CSPS Newsletter 14/2/2025
Principal's News
Dear Families,
The start to this school year has been very exciting. Our student numbers have blossomed over the holidays and we now have an enrolment of 220 students, which is the highest enrolment in some years. We are very pleased to welcome many new families to our wonderful school community.
Work at school did not stop for long over the break and the following items have now been completed:
- Painting of classrooms - Prep and 3/4ME
- Removal of outdated classroom benches and painting of walls in the Library and 2/3
- Safeguarding (glass panels) for all classroom doors plus 2 new glass doors (Sensory Room and 1/2SF)
- Carpet replacement in the Library
- Refurbishment of Prep toilets
- Bench seat along front ramp
- Garden edging
- Tree trimming
- Telephones installed in every classroom
New staff
We welcome two new teachers to our staff this year.

Lainey Sadek has joined our team after teaching for several years at Springfield Gardens Primary School and most recently being on maternity leave. Lainey is teaching Monday-Wednesday, sharing our 1/2 class with Linda Flude. Lainey’s hobbies include reading, going to the park with her daughter and looking after her two dogs.

Bec Murray has also joined our team, teaching full-time on a 5/6 class. Bec has previously taught at Herdsman’s Cove Primary School, Lindisfarne Primary School and Howrah Primary School. Bec’s hobbies include playing tennis, reading and travelling.
School Values and “hook”
At Campbell Street we embrace the DECYP values of Respect, Responsibility, Courage, Growth and Connection. We have an eight week focus on each value throughout the year, starting this term with Respect. Along with each value, we are modelling and promoting “hooks” (catch cries) that will become common sayings for students and staff as we all aim to exemplify the values. Our first hook is “First time every time” which refers to following adult instructions promptly and respectfully.
Principal Points
We have also introduced a Principal Points system this year. For this, I have the great pleasure of allocating points to classes who are exemplifying our values as a team, for example, moving respectfully through the school, being on time and settled for line up at the end of recess and lunch and great assembly manners. Twice a year, mid-year and end-of-year, the class with the most accumulated points will be rewarded with an additional excursion.

This year DECYP has purchased licences for all government schools to access the paid version of Seesaw, which will give us access to additional features. The rollover process is taking time from DECYP’s end and that is why our classes have not yet started using Seesaw for this year. We very much hope for the process to be completed soon so that all of our communication channels are up and running.
Safeguarding certificates
Last year saw the introduction of Safeguarding certificates for volunteers in schools. This is now an annual requirement. Pleas keep in my mind that volunteers will need to renew their certificates prior to the 12 month date of their last year’s certificate. This applies to all volunteers – eg. parent help in class, helpers on excursions, helpers at carnivals, Snack Shack helpers. The Link for Safeguarding Training is – Compulsory Safeguarding Training for Workers - Department for Education, Children and Young People
When completed you shall receive a Certificate which you can save and email to Campbell Street Primary - campbell.street.primary@decyp.tas.gov.au
Term 1 events: Please mark the dates below in your diaries.
- 17th February – 21st Feb: Fire Education
- 19th February – Meet the Teacher 3:00pm – 5:00pm
- 20th February - Cricket Tas visit
- 25th February – Group A (Prep/1, 2/3, 3/4A, 5/6A Assembly
- 4th March – 1/2 and 2/3 Bush Connections
- 7th March - 3-6 Athletics Carnival
- 11th March – Group B (Prep, 1/2, 3/4B, 5/6B) Assembly
- 12th March – 24th March: NAPLAN testing window
- 13th March – Prep & Prep/1 Excursion – Bonorong
- 14th March – 3/4A & 3/4B Incursion – Ecosystem Explorers
- 17th March – 5/6A and 5/6B Excursion – Woodbridge Marine Discovery Centre
- 26th March – 1/2 and 2/3 Excursion – Bonorong
- 28th March – Interschool Athletics Carnival
- 1st April – Kinder Excursion – Sustainability Centre
- 4th April – Prep-2 Sports
- 8th April – Whole School Assembly
Meet the Teacher
Families are warmly invited to attend our Meet the Teacher event, next Wednesday 19th February from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. This is an opportunity to visit your child/ren’s classroom, chat informally with teachers and learn more about the year ahead. We will be providing a sausage sizzle (one sausage per person) in our courtyard. We would love to see everyone, even if you can call in for just a few minutes. Please note, this is not an event for discussions with teachers about individual students. Parents are welcome to make appointments at any time for individual discussions and there will be 2 formal Parent-Teacher discussions times later in the year.
Safety Requirements at CSPS
The start of the year is timely for reminders to parents/carers about supervision requirements. Please be very aware that students are not permitted on the school site without a supervising parent/carer prior to 8:30am. Staff provide duty of care from 8:30am each day – unsupervised students in the grounds prior to 8:30am run the high risk of accidents. Staff duty of care ends at 2:55pm each day (3:05pm for students being collected at the drive through pick up zone). Students are not permitted in the school yard after 2:55pm unless they have a parent/carer providing close supervision. Any students waiting to be picked up are required to wait in the front foyer. Please be very aware that our playground rules continue to apply after 2:55pm, ie. Children are not permitted to climb trees, ride scooters or bikes within the playground or to re-enter school building to get sports equipment/toys. These are all safety requirements. We thank all of our school community for helping to keep our students safe.
Best wishes,
Susan Jeffery
Dear Families, LiL commences from Monday 24th of February
School Levies
School Levies
School Levies shall be sent to parents/guardians in in the next couple of weeks.
Payment options are:
Eftpos, Bpay, Service Tasmania, or cash.
Student Assistance (STAS) is available for families needing financial assistance with school cost, which now includes families with health cards. The link for the STAS form is Student Assistance Scheme (STAS)
Dear families and carers,
We are writing to advise you that we have been informed of a technical issue with Seesaw – the platform we use to engage with families. This issue has meant that there have been some errors with connecting families to their child. As a precautionary measure to support the maintenance of student privacy a decision has been made to disconnect all families from Seesaw whilst work is being undertaken to resolve the issue. Student privacy is a priority which is why we are being cautious in relation to this issue.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. We will update you once we are advised that families can access Seesaw again and provide you with support in reconnecting if needed. Thank you for your understanding.
Kind regards PRINCIPAL
Fire ed Information
Der Families,
If you are unable to open the attached Fire ed link please use this Hyperlink. www.tfkids.com.au
All chess bookings and payments need to be made through the Black Square Chess website Campbell Street Chess – Black Square Chess any questions please contact James at jamesblacksquare@gmail.com

Tassie Junior Tennis

Contact Darren Sturgess if you are interested in joining the Tassie Junior League on 0411 762 258.