CSPS Newsletter 28/2/2025
Principal's News
Dear Families,
It was wonderful to welcome many families to our school last week for our annual Meet the Teacher event. Thank you to everyone who came along to meet teachers, chat informally and enjoy a sausage.

Athletics Carnival
Our next school community event is our years 3-6 Athletics Carnival, on Friday 7th March (next Friday!). Parents/carers are warmly invited to attend and cheer on our students, starting time will be 9:00am.
Validation forms
Have you returned your child’s validation form? The form includes a section for excursion permission – if this is not signed and returned, your child will not be able to participate in class excursions. Classes are beginning excursions as of next week, so please return your form!

Launching into Learning
This week we welcomed a new Launching into Learning teacher to our staff – Mrs Eleanor Tong Lee. LiL happens every Monday morning 9:15am – 10:30am in our Kinder space and includes visits to the school library and local bush/park areas. All children 0-4 years are welcome to attend.
Please note: LiL finishes each session at 10:30am and our classes come out into the playground for their recess break at 11:00am. We ask that parents from LiL do not stay on in our playground during the school recess break, out of regard for student safety. Thank you for following this school guideline.
Why does school attendance matter? Let’s do the maths...
Did you know that if your child misses one day of school a fortnight, that’s 40 days of school, 4 weeks of lessons, and over one year lost over their school life? Missing a day here or there may not seem like much, but absences add up and can impact your child’s learning more than you think.
Be it Mondays, Fridays, school carnivals or sporting days, every day matters when it comes to your child's learning. Parents should reconsider going on holidays or taking casual days off during the school term.
While school is a place to learn, it’s not just about writing, maths and science. It’s also about providing students structure, building confidence, developing good habits and creating healthy emotional bonds. It’s about forming and maintaining friendships and developing good routines for a productive life.
When your children miss school, they miss out on these key social moments.
Need help with attendance?
We understand that there are many reasons why a student might not attend school. It's important to talk to us about the reason for their absence.
Our first assembly of the year was a Group A Assembly, with 4 classes P-6 sharing recent learnings. It was great to start the year off with such an exemplary demonstration of our Campbell Street Primary School Values, in particular students showing great respect. Well done everyone!

Some reminders for families about our school rules/expectations.
Students are NOT permitted to ride bikes or scooters within the school grounds at any time, for safety reasons. A number of students are choosing, at the moment, to ignore this rule and we have had a couple of very near misses. Students who continue to ride bikes/scooters within the school grounds, before, during or after school, will be directed to leave their bike/scooter at home.
Before and after school – staff duty of care begins at 8:30am. Students are NOT permitted in the school yard without a parent/carer before 8:30am. At the moment we have several students arriving extremely early – there is a real safety risk in this. If parents need to be at work early, please book children into Before School Care through Uniting Childcare.
Similarly, we still have quite a few students who are unsupervised in the playground after 2:55pm. Parents/carers MUST supervise their children from 2:55pm. Also please do not use our office staff as a regular childcare service after 2:55pm. We completely understand very occasional days when parents are running late for some reason, but this is not a regular service and does not fall under staff duties. After School Care is available through Uniting Childcare.
Thank you for working with us to keep our young people safe.
Susan Jeffery
Class News
Year 3/4A
Year 3/4A have made a wonderful start to the year. They have jumped straight into their learning and are impressing their teachers with their respectful attitude and great work ethic. We have started the year with a Novel study which has supported us in looking at what makes a great classroom. This has culminated in a wonderful Classroom Agreement that all have contributed to and a Collaborative Artwork that is now up in our classroom.
Students had to draw a self-portrait with one side of their face ‘normal’ and the other side full of all the things they love to do and qualities that make them unique. We had some discussion on a catch phrase, as we are all in, or on, a balloon rising into the air. There were some great suggestions of ‘blowing up our brains’ but the catch phrase that seemed most appropriate was; We are aiming high and going up, up and away with our learning.’ Off we go!

In Prep/One we have been learning about information texts. We have been listening carefully to 'read alouds' about animals and drawing and writing about facts from the information text. Here is some of our work.

Assembly Certificates
Congratulations to students that received a certificate in Group A at Assembly on Tuesday 25th of February.

School Calendar
March 2025.

Hobart City High School Information