School Association

school-association-resizedCampbell Street Primary School Association is a team of committed, caring and concerned parents and community members. All parents are automatically members of the School Association. There is an officially elected committee which meets twice a term and also plans activities each year. There is a strong commitment to fundraising to provide equipment and opportunities for our students, as well as encouraging students to engage in social activities that create connections. The School Association runs a number of activities including coordinating soccer at school, cupcake days, school dances and fairs. In recent years, we have also worked closely with staff to plan very successful music/art/STEAM nights and obtain grants to upgrade the school playground. If you are interested come along and find out more about the school, join in discussions and assist where you can. We always love having new members, and we also have a bit of fun with meetings over wine and cheese. Visit the Campbell Street Primary School Association page on Facebook for updates and advice on meeting times.